Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Hmmm, what to talk about...

See, here's the problem with blogging.  I don't really know what to talk about?  I mean, really, who wants to hear about my trip to the gym every day?  Probably not many people other than my good friend Angel, but then again she already knows what I did (yep, I sent a bragging text to her this morning). 

I'll start with a little background about me... I'm an Army Brat turned Army Wife.  I've been married for 13yrs and have two beautiful girls that I will lovingly refer to as my Ducklings.  The First Duckling is 9 and the Littlest Duckling is almost 6.  I *love* all things photography and when I grow up I want to be a professional.  Hmmmm, let's see... I have 9 tattoo's, but still come across as the good girl (an image I just cannot shake), I like to craft, to scrapbook, and hate to clean even though it's part of my job description.

At the beginning of the year, I started a few different photo projects.  The big one is what I'm calling 52wks of Me!  It's basically a self-portrait once a week for the year.  It's been hard so far.  I don't really feel comfortable in front of the camera, but this should help!  The other project is my 4 people ~ 12 pictures.  I am taking a family picture once a month for this year.  Nothing fancy (our Feb picture was taken on top of a picnic table in play clothes), but it'll show how everyone has changed over the year. 

So, in other words... you'll be seeing these types of pictures plus random outfit pictures, hearing me talk about the gym and my running, my Ducklings, and random blah blah blahing!

Hope you'll stick around!  :O)

1 comment:

**Angel** said...

YAY! The first post is always the hardest. I often start blogs with " i have nothing to say..." and write 3 paragraphs! It'll come naturally after awhile. I can't to read more and OFTEN!

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