Thursday, April 21, 2011

Dear Camera, I really do love you...

I have no idea what is going on with me. I have barely touched my camera lately. I'm something like 3 weeks behind on my 52 weeks project, have a bunch of photo's to take for school, and life in general is passing me by, but yet... nothing.

I did start on my "photo essay" and I'm about half way done. I wanted my essay to be about me, but I'm finding that my life is really boring! Okay, so I already knew that, but still it kind of stinks to see how boring it really is in photographs.

Here's what I have so far...

This is the first thing I see every morning.

After the Ducklings are dropped off at school, it's time to exercise/run. I have to have my music so the iPhone has to go with me!

My go to snack after working out.

Of course, the mounds of laundry...

This is the after school scene... shoes and backpacks just taken off and left where there don't belong (although, I was happy that the Littlest Duckling had actually hung up her backpack where she was supposed too).

Yep... that's all I have. Nothing exciting. This is where my life is right now though. I'm just plugging along, doing the same things day in and day out and I'm feeling it. My creativity is gone and I do *not* like it. Sigh...

Okay, enough of the whining. What do you think of the photo essay pictures so far?

Monday, April 4, 2011

Dear Martha Stewart...

A few weeks ago, the Mister and I had the (very) rare chance to go on a date. We ended up at Barnes & Noble (cause, you know, we are wild and crazy like that) and while the Mister was looking at books I ventured over to the magazine. Now, I love me decorating magazine! If I was rich, had a nanny, and a maid, then no doubt my house would look like something out of a magazine. Sigh... here are some of the things I'd love to have in my house!

An entry way big enough for something like this:


A wall color other than white... and maybe these words too:

Yummy built in bookshelves for all of our books (sadly we had to donate a lot of our books before this last move because they are so heavy... my poor Mister, he was so upset):


A real laundry room (rather than in plain sight in the kitchen):


And so much more...

Here's the problem though, 95% of what was is in the magazines are idea's that I'd never be able to use. See, I live on base so the house belongs to the Army and there are more restrictions than a typical apartment rental. So here I am, stuck with white walls, a floor plan that changes with every move, and fluctuating square footage.

Don't get me wrong, I've made do. I have pictures galore up on the walls, we bought a deep olive colored couch to help bring in some color, we have bought into the space bag gimmick (they are actually really good until your cat bites them and pokes a hole), and I dream of the house I will some day get to decorate freely.

I think it'd be *really* awesome to have some magazine articles (or even a whole publication one month) full of idea's for us Military families! Martha, are you interested??