Monday, April 4, 2011

Dear Martha Stewart...

A few weeks ago, the Mister and I had the (very) rare chance to go on a date. We ended up at Barnes & Noble (cause, you know, we are wild and crazy like that) and while the Mister was looking at books I ventured over to the magazine. Now, I love me decorating magazine! If I was rich, had a nanny, and a maid, then no doubt my house would look like something out of a magazine. Sigh... here are some of the things I'd love to have in my house!

An entry way big enough for something like this:


A wall color other than white... and maybe these words too:

Yummy built in bookshelves for all of our books (sadly we had to donate a lot of our books before this last move because they are so heavy... my poor Mister, he was so upset):


A real laundry room (rather than in plain sight in the kitchen):


And so much more...

Here's the problem though, 95% of what was is in the magazines are idea's that I'd never be able to use. See, I live on base so the house belongs to the Army and there are more restrictions than a typical apartment rental. So here I am, stuck with white walls, a floor plan that changes with every move, and fluctuating square footage.

Don't get me wrong, I've made do. I have pictures galore up on the walls, we bought a deep olive colored couch to help bring in some color, we have bought into the space bag gimmick (they are actually really good until your cat bites them and pokes a hole), and I dream of the house I will some day get to decorate freely.

I think it'd be *really* awesome to have some magazine articles (or even a whole publication one month) full of idea's for us Military families! Martha, are you interested??


**Angel** said...

That was one of my least favorite things about the Army! I feel your pain. Someday you'll be able to buy a house and do all those things and MORE!!

Anonymous said...

sooo love your story girl and soooo soooo feeling your pain!

Morgan Matula said...

I absolutely love this!!! I might have to steal some of these ideas when we have our "one day" too! :) Love you!!

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