Thursday, March 24, 2011

It's been a long journey to here...

Get ready, this is going to be long!

You see those pictures? Yes... that's me Aug/Sept 2007. I was unhappy, I hated my body (no fat acceptance for this girl), and my self-esteem was at an all time low. I couldn't even walk up the stairs in our house without feeling breathless. The one thing that kept me from falling into a complete despair was Mr Parsons. He never once said that I was anything less than beautiful. Gosh, I really love that man ♥ Okay, back to the story at hand...

At the start of 2008 my Mother-In-Law decided that she was going to diet and loose weight so I said that I'd do it with her. Not long afterwards I signed up for D.C.'s Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure 5K. I had 6 months to be able to walk 3 miles and that was a lot for a person who hadn't exercised in *years*.

Race day came and wow... just wow.

Because of these 3 people

I did it!!

Sure it took a long time, but did you see how many people there were? It didn't normally take me that long to walk 3 miles. That's not the point. I did it! Me, a girl who hated exercise and hadn't done anything physical in years!

After that I was so determined to keep going and to push myself. Yeah, that lasted the rest of the year and then the excuses started coming. It's too cold to take the Littlest Duckling out in the stroller, I'm tired, I have too much to do. You know how it is. It was easy too because I had lost 40lbs and was pretty happy about that. So, a year went by and 10lbs came back.

Then, out of the blue, one morning my beautiful First Duckling came into my room in tears because she didn't like her body and none of the other girls in her class had the same body shape as her... She was just shy of 8 years old. *tear* As a mom, I was crushed. She should not be feeling this way at 7, 8, or ever! I didn't want that for her so she and I talked. We would help each other and get healthy together. I didn't (and still don't) want her to focus on body size or being skinny, I want her to be healthy and happy! And you know what, we did cut back on the sweets and started eating more fruits and veggies, but I wanted to set a good example. I didn't want to be one of those Mom's who complain about their size, talk about other people and their "bad" eating habits, but then do nothing about themselves. You know how they are and might even know some yourself. Well, it wasn't long before the meltdown that I had noticed my friend Angel posting on Facebook about how she was starting the Couch to 5K program (you can check it out here) and was loving it. I talked to the Mister about it and asked if he thought it was something I could do? Of course, in true Mister style, he said that he knew I could do anything I decided to do and would support me 100%.

I decided to go for it. That first day was the hardest thing I had ever done (after giving birth)! The first day is alternating 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes. Sure, it sounded easy, but I was never a runner and hadn't really exercised (walked) in a while. The Mister was with me that first day and I believe 100% that I would have quit had he not been out there running (ie. very slowly jogging for him) next to me, encouraging me the.whole.entire.twenty.minutes! In the end, it took me longer than the 9wks, but I'm completely okay with that. I finished and didn't quit (and even managed to get my cousin Lori to start C25K too)!!

That was Nov 6, 2010, it was a long road to that day, but check out my (almost) after pictures...

I'm not going to lie, running is still a struggle for me, but I am sticking to it this time! My First Duckling is so proud of me and tells people all the time that I ran a 5K ♥ She is asking about when she can go to the gym with me, playing more outside, and making better choices about her food. And me... well, I feel better about myself than I have in a long time, I enjoy shopping for clothes again, and have even started to step outside of my box and wear things I would have never dreamed I could!

If you've made it this far... thanks for reading and I hope you leave feeling encouraged! ♥

PS. A big huge THANK YOU to my Mister and Angel for all the strength and encouragement you've given me!


Morgan Matula said...

So proud of you!!! Love you bunches!

**Angel** said...

I posted from my phone, but it looks like it didn't go through >;(

I'm SO proud of you!! You are doing awesome. I can't wait until you sy you've completed a 1/2 marathon!!

**Angel** said...


Unknown said...

Me too, Angel, me too...

Morgan Matula said...

1/2 Marathon in San Antonio in November!! :) Just saying!

Unknown said...

@Morgan~ Um... maybe Nov of 2012 for me! It took me a looooong time to be able to run 3mi, so 13.1mi will take a tad longer to prepare for. I'll cheer you on though!! :O)

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